Jamestead Construction Jamestead Jamestead Construction

Jamestead Construction Ltd

Jamestead Construction Ltd

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It is everyone’s dream to design and build their own house but the availability of land is making this dream harder and harder to realise.

Although a house will stand for longer, the average house has a designed life of approximately forty years without major refurbishment. In reality most houses are outmoded before this. For example a thirty-year-old house would probably only have one bathroom. The way that we use our houses has also changed dramatically over the years influencing room sizes and the layout of houses. To extend a property is not always the answer as the extension is often compromised by the existing layout.

Tudor House

Why not Refurbish and Extend

In a lot of cases to refurbish and extend may not be a satisfactory solution. The main factors to consider are:-

The final layout will be compromised by the existing layout.

The services within the building will probably not work as efficiently when extended as a new system ergonomically laid out for a new building.

Common Comment

I would like to buy a new house but I cannot find anything I like in a location as good as where we already live”.

Despite matching existing materials with new there will probably be a variation in the weathering and appearance of the materials. All refurbishment and extension costs are subject to VAT at the standard rate whereas a property that is demolished and rebuilt is zero-rated.

Recognising that you love the plot where you already live is the first step towards demolition, design and build.


Mr & Mrs A Cormack

“We are delighted with our new home and you can be justifiably proud of your creation. It is proving to be a very easy house in which to live and entertain. We are continuing to enjoy the view from every room and the house is certainly much admired by all our guests”.

What does Design and Build Involve

Jamestead can offer the complete package for design and build and guide you through the whole process from inception to completion. We can arrange:

Site survey.

An Architect designed house taking into consideration the optimum layout to benefit from the orientation of the site and the client’s requirements.


Mr & Mrs M Bird

“We are extremely pleased with the quality of the workmanship that has gone into the construction of our new home and we appreciate the dedication and fair-handed approach you have taken throughout the project. The end result is a superb new home”.

Planning permission.

Working drawings.

A Specification.


A Quotation for all of the above.


Mr & Mrs R Phipps

“Thank you for making the project so happy and congenial”.